Soul Seed Awakening
Do you feel called toward something greater?
 You know you're meant for more impact, joy, ease and business success… but not by adding more, more, more.
In fact, you likely feel called toward “less is more.”
You may already be living into a vision of success, and something is shifting yet again... but this time, you know it’s something more powerful and potent from a soul level. It might mean a pivot, you may be moving toward selling or transforming your business. Something is ready to emerge that will help you expand your mission and grow in more profoundly aligned ways.

And you're open to exploring this journey among other unleashed visionaries. In community with others who are committed to leading from soul, and to taking their impact to the next level in a values-aligned and authentic way.

And you want to have deep conversations, real results, and loads of fun along the way!
If this is speaking straight to your soul, you may be ready for a deeper awakening in your personal leadership journey and in your soul-fueled mission...
You may be ready for your
Soul Seed Awakening.
Soul Seed Awakening is for leaders, coaches, CEOs, and service providers who feel called toward a life of true impact and joy that allows you to fully be in your gifts and purpose, while generating greater impact and wealth.
 Inside our year-long transformational community, Soul Seed Awakening brings together next-level visionaries to facilitate your evolution into deeper, soul-aligned authentic power as a visionary entrepreneur and transformational leader.

So, if you desire to live into your values and your purpose while:
stepping into greater business abundance and possibility  
traveling the world
deepening into relationships with new business besties
and being supported by Amber and the Soul Seed team 
 … then you have found your home! 
 Previously, you may have felt blocked from this path because: 
   You’ve carved a path for success, but you yearn for something greater that exists beyond just “accomplishment”   
Growth happens quickly, and you may have felt bogged down by trying to manage all the things on your own
You’ve felt confused and overwhelmed by different coaches, mentors, books and systems saying how things “should be done”
You feel called toward something bigger than yourself, but aren’t completely sure how to navigate into what that is… and quite frankly, you simply don’t want or need to go that journey alone
But now, you’re coming to understanding your unique way of leading your business that works for you.

You're asking deeper questions that center not on "how do I make more money," but rather "what comes next for me, in a meaningful and aligned way?"

You're walking a journey toward your next evolution and are open to guidance along the way.

is for you if:
You desire support to help you either uncover or stay on course
with living into your values and priorities

You may be seeking strategic guidance to navigate unique business challenges or to strategize around how a change in your business will unfold

You’re here for more than hustle and grind

You desire to step fully into your gifts as a leader
and contributor in the conscious business movement

You're open to being nurtured inside a container of high vibe leaders of integrity, while experiencing a nourishing year of growth, transformation, travel, and fun!

You are ready to say a big HECK YES to being all of you - fully! 
Through our container of work, you will...
Be supported in a customized way that supports your unique journey, while being supported in community. There will be key themes explored as a group, and coaching and consulting will be customized to your needs and goals.

Grant your own permission
for the lifestyle YOU want

Learn to believe it’s true,
while being supported to walk the path to be it, create it, and live it

Take the skills you have and put them to work for you in ways that help you move forward in a more authentic way, as you live and lead from your Soul Seed
Experience the alignment of purpose, authentic power, and profit in your business
as you set forth toward your higher vision

Live and lead in alignment with your inner knowing to navigate life and business decisions with ease

Explore and embody your authentic leadership identity that will allow you and your business to expand to the next level and beyond

Learn business growth strategies to increase your wealth and impact as you desire, from a place of greater flow (not force)

Forge deep connections and mastermind with other soulful CEOs in the community
As a result, you'll experience...
Deeper self trust

Improved business operations

Increased visibility
as you gain confidence and clarity in your message

Emerge as the visionary thought leader that, deep within, you know you are truly meant to become

Greater abundance in all areas

Massive permission to live into your true authentic desires, while letting go of what is not aligned
"I made $150,000 more this year because of Amber’s coaching and I'm living so much more joyfully. I have noticed a shift in my business because there’s been a shift in me.

I look back, and years ago I was resistant to receiving this type of coaching help. We all have blind spots, and until I finally took my guard down and allowed this work to happen, and to allow Amber to guide me, I didn’t even know what was possible! You don’t even know how good it can be! ...I can’t speak highly enough about what she has meant in my life and business."
 A Healer's Hand + The Nest 
The Details
This container, including coaching, consulting, community, and retreats runs from
April 2024 - March 2025.
The container of work will include guided group work led by Amber and 1:1 support working with our team of expert coaches and consultants, as well as powerful retreat experiences.
Ongoing Group Coaching + Consulting with Amber
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per month
for 60 minutes each
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Group coaching and mastermind calls facilitated by Amber
Quarterly group strategic planning facilitated by Amber
1:1 Consultation Call with an
Expert Team Coach
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per month
for 60 minutes
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You’ll be paired with one of our senior coaches based on your unique needs and goals. Our coaches have former experience as CEOs, COOs and CMOs, working in small businesses and large scale global operations bringing expertise in intuitive guidance, business operations strategy, and team growth strategy.
Monthly Cohort Teaching
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per month
for 60 minutes
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Through the year, a member will be featured on a monthly basis to share and teach their genius to the group.
Supportive and Private Facebook Community
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to the group
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Enjoy robust activity, sharing, and referring among your changemaking, heart-centered, and soulful CEO peers!
Plus... In-Person Experiences
(...because profound transformation happens in real life containers!) 

June 2024 (tentative June 13-14 or 20-21)
1.5 days
Your Home / Workspace
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 All content and trainings are covered. 
Sept/Oct 2024 (tentative Oct 2-5)
3 nights, 2 days
Domestic - likely Arizona
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Meals, experiences, and all content and trainings are covered.
You will be responsible for transportation to and from the retreat and lodging. Anticipated lodging is $400-$500/person.
Feb/Mar 2025
4 nights, 3 days
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Meals, experiences, and all content and trainings are covered.
You will be responsible for transportation to and from the retreat and lodging. Anticipated lodging is $700-$800/person.
* Dates/location tentative and will be finalized based on group preferences. If you cannot attend in person retreat, we'll discuss other options. 
Interested in receiving extra support?
Step into our Group + VIP 1:1 with Amber 
Receive everything in our Group + 1:1 Coaching program, PLUS:
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(1) 90-minute kick-off deep-dive
(11) 60-minute 1:1 private coaching calls with Amber
Personalized guidance + co-working + access to text and email for support with Amber throughout the year
(1) 2-day private retreat with Amber
Private coaching is available outside of the Soul Seed Awakening program for those who are interested in working with Amber directly, but without the group integration. Private coaching with Amber starts at $25000 for 6-months or with Robin for $1500/mo for 3 months. Chat with a member of our team here if you are interested!
Your Investment
Group + 1:1 Coaching
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One-Time Payment
- or -
per month for 12 months
Group + VIP 1:1 with Amber
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One-Time Payment
- or -
per month for 12 months
Photos capture the moment in time, while the transformations last forever 
"I started working with Amber in the summer of 2021. Right after launching my business, I went on a retreat with her to Puerto Rico, and it was phenomenal! It helped me get clear on the type of business I wanted to build and the life I wanted to build alongside it. After the retreat, I worked 1-1 with Amber, I also enrolled in Ignite your Brand and The Soulful CEO program.

Through the work we’ve done together, I have evolved my business and I have grown in ways that I didn’t think were possible this quickly. I cannot recommend her enough for the support and care she has for each of her clients, and how in-tune she is with what each person needs support on!

With her guidance to help me create a business that’s authentic to me, I’ve taken my business in a different direction than what I originally thought I would and now I’m growing like crazy, attracting more and more of my ideal clients, and not working more than 20 hours a week. I absolutely love the work that we’ve done together and can’t recommend her enough!"
 Blue Heron Business Partners 
"When Amber started coaching me, I was barely getting by. I went from struggling and getting by on $1,200-$2,000 a month, to consistent $11,000-$13,000 a month in less than a year working with her. This life is something that seemed IMPOSSIBLE to me even a year ago. Without Amber’s help and guidance, I know I’d still be back there somewhere trying to figure it out. She has helped me fast track my success and I cannot recommend the services she provides enough... I can’t imagine how lost and stuck I’d still be if I hadn’t made the investment to do this work."
Kate Fore Boudoir 
What you can expect working with us

I bet you're here because you are ready to step into the bigger vision you see for yourself. You're ready to live into your soul calling more abundantly, earn more money, with greater ease, by doing work that is purposeful and driven from your soul.

You might be hesitating about stepping into coaching or maybe you've been in coaching and you're hesitant about "another program."

What you probably already know about me is that I, like you, believe in a deeper meaning to our work and that it's completely possible to build a profitable business rooted in purpose and passion. I know this because I live it and have guided numerous others to do the same.

You may also know I built a million dollar business from the ground up in less than four years, then rebranded into a more deeply aligned version of my business that allows me to be in even more of my soul expression and make greater impact. To me, the revenue number isn't what matters (although I can absolutely advise you on sales and income strategies). What matters is how much YOU want to earn, HOW you want to do it, and WHY. What matters is that we each honor what we desire, and that's what I care about helping you with. The money doesn't mean anything if you aren't enjoying the journey, but also conversely, you don't need to sacrifice profit to do meaningful work and find joy. I'm here to help you experience both.

What matters is helping you step into the life and business you seek, and as a Certified Transformational coach and Retreat Leader, I'm passionate about helping you do it. By engaging a combination of intuition, business strategy, brand, sales, and marketing expertise, I help you navigate the path to build a scalable and profitable brand.

What you might not know is I've overcome plenty of my own challenges, family trauma, and limiting beliefs. I was the first in my family to graduate from high school and college, was nearly homeless at one point, and once lived in an apartment with just the furniture I found for free on the street.

In business, I've also been through many challenges: a failed business partnership, having my name slandered, been sued, lost large revenue in an instant to turning it all back around within months... I even had a bookkeeping company fall for a scam that nearly cost my business everything. I've had team members who excel and team members who aren't the best fit, had staff who have lied or stolen, been judged, and had people throw shade online. You name it, I've lived it. I bet you have too. And all those experiences are a part of shaping and forming us... it's important to be conscious about which aspects are true for you and go with you in the journey.

I've had both good and "not great" coaching experiences. It's because of that I became passionate about stepping into my purpose as a Transformation Coach. I know what it's like to pay multiple thousands for a group program only to be lost in masses and never get support, to be shamed by the head coach, to be met by a coach who is burned out, annoyed, despises their clients, and doesn't even want to coach. I know what it's like to go to a coach, feeling deep pain and despair because I couldn't move past my money blocks and fear of charging more to be told, "It's easy. Just charge more." (Spoiler alert: that's NOT the answer).

By now, you probably have a sense I am not those coaches.

Myself and my team at Soul Seed honor the sacred commitment and space held for you in this relationship. This means showing up judgment-free, whole-heartedly and honestly, with both intuition and our business strategy backgrounds to help you make meaningful and sustainable change and experience real results. This also means holding the space for you in times that can feel uncomfortable, but are necessary for you to achieve the change you seek. I meet you in this work lovingly and grounded, ready to support you in the transformational journey to experience the life you desire.

I share all of this because these collective experiences have empowered my resilience and my journey -- and that I now engage to help you through your journey. I also share it in case you might be thinking, "maybe she's had it easier than me, that's why she's successful. That's why this won't work for me."

No matter what you've endured, what you have yet to learn, whatever internal stories you are battling, no matter how far you have come or yet to travel on your journey... it's all a part of your beautiful unique journey. And if you resonate, we would be thrilled to be a part of your journey.

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Meet Your Coaches

 Amber Swenor   

Amber Swenor is a transformation coach and business strategist who helps people to identify and transform the hidden commitments, stories, and limitations that keep you from living your most Unleashed life. She also works with leaders and companies in their brand growth journey through leadership coaching and business strategy consultation and co-working. She's the founder of Soul Seed Strategy, a brand strategy, coaching and marketing firm, and the founder of Soul Seed CBD. She's an international speaker helping audiences and companies worldwide to unlock their deeper potential through authenticity. Her book "Unleashed" is a Wall Street Journal and USA Today best-seller.

When she's not guiding others to unleash their rockstar within, you'll find her rocking on stage with her metal band, Morningstar. 

  Robin Finney   

Robin Finney is an Intuitive & Authenticity coach on the Soul Seed team who helps soul-based leaders get present to what they desire, from a place of deep grounded-ness and self compassion.

Her zone of genius is supporting others in their journey to trusting their deeper selves as they explore the unknown with curiosity, so they can show up as their most authentic selves in life and business.

Robin is also the creator of Soulo Experiences, providing coaching and consulting for those stepping into their own soul-travel journey. She’s a certified Sourced™ Retreat Leader and Transformational Coach, author, international model, speaker, and world traveler. Since 2018, Robin has traveled solo to 22 countries across 6 continents. She’s passionate about helping others to step into their soul journey and see where it leads. 

"I can’t thank Amber enough for helping me change my life. So much has changed in the three years since we started working together. I’ve done 1-1 coaching, several group coaching programs, and retreats and I highly recommend you work with Amber if you want to make changes to create the life you want...She not only helped me in business but helped me to build confidence in myself, to embrace more of who I authentically am and from working with her I’ve learned to lead in ways I never thought I could. If you want to go for your dreams and are looking for guidance from someone who is authentic, judgment-free, who will help you remember the badass that you are, while helping you to grow your business too, I highly recommend working with Amber."
 Transformation Coach & Founder of
East Coast Mental Wellness  
"I decided to work with Amber after spending a few years figuring things out on my own. I finally decided to stop chasing the next new thing, “shiny object syndrome,” and getting derailed like so many solopreneurs face. I decided to get serious about taking my sales, marketing and consistency to the next level and Amber helped me do all of that!... When I started working with Amber I wasn’t earning what I wanted to and had inconsistent revenue, and after six months I more than tripled my revenue.

I learned that I don’t need to do it all myself and that there are ways to get help, even when I didn’t think I could afford it yet, Amber helped me think more strategically about the long term so I could make smart investments about what help to get. Doing that freed me up to focus on income-generating tasks. She helped me learn how to improve my sales consults and proposals, how to systematize my lead gen and marketing, and how to position my offerings to sell them based on the value they deliver, all of this helped me attract more aligned clients and increase my revenue.

Working with Amber has impacted not only my bottom line but helped me feel so much more confident in the foundation of my business and has launched me forward in ways that will stay with me forever!"
Environment Sustainability Consultant
Waste to Resources Solutions
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