Get greater clarity for your growth plan for 2022
 Nov 9, 2023
12 pm - 1:30 pm CT
(Meeting on Zoom)

Yes there's strategic planning, and career planning.
But have you planned for your soul-self lately?
You know, the YOU behind the brand/career?

Whether you're on a positive growth trajectory and desire to stay the course, or you're feeling stagnant and ready to move out of the rut, intentional strategic visioning is here to support you in getting on track, with clarity, in alignment with the outcomes you authentically desire.

Consistent alignment with my self first, followed with strategic action is how I took my company from $0 to $1M in less than 4 years (but wait there's more to the story... after 8 years I downsized my business to align to my next evolution)
all while being rooted with a clear sense of self purpose and mission, and creating success on my own terms.
Now, I teach others to do the same.  

Join us, for a 90 minute LIVE virtual training to reconnect with your vision and create an aligned, step-by-step growth plan for the year ahead!

Thursday, Nov 9 2023
8:00 AM Pacific Time
10:00 AM Central Time
11:00 AM Eastern Time
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Design an actionable plan that's aligned to the outcomes you desire!

✔️ Clarify the growth opportunities and gaps that could be holding you back

✔️ Develop a strategic plan for your career/business that is soulfully aligned to your core desires         

✔️ Align your business growth trajectory to your long term vision

✔️ Ensure that your business goals are clear, measurable, and achievable

✔️ Get the personal support of a strategist as you work together in small groups

✔️ Walk away with an action plan to move forward in clarity, confidence and flow to strategically move toward your goals               

ALIGNED STRATEGY is a SUPERPOWER... and it's available to YOU right now! 

Whether your business is online, offline, or both, this workshop will guide you to clarify your vision for where you're heading and define the key strategic priorities that need to happen to make your dreams a reality.

Design an actionable plan that's aligned to the outcomes you desire!

✔️ Clarify the growth opportunities and gaps that could be holding you back

✔️ Develop a strategic plan that is soulfully aligned to your core desires         

✔️ Align your business growth trajectory to your long term vision

✔️ Ensure that your business goals are clear, measurable, and achievable

✔️ Get the personal support of a strategist as you work together in small groups 

✔️ Walk away with an action plan to strategically grow your business               

ALIGNED STRATEGY is a SUPERPOWER... and it's available to YOU right now! 

Whether your business is online, offline, or both, this workshop will guide you to clarify your vision for where you're heading and define the key strategic priorities that need to happen to make your dreams a reality.

Here's what to expect in our
Strategic Visioning Workshop!


A week before the workshop,  you'll receive a kickoff email with prompts to help get you into the energetic space to cast your vision.

When you upgrade to the Vision Kickstart Kit you'll also receive a special soulful strategy gift kit in the mail filled with Amber & Robin's favorite goodies to support an empowering year ahead.
Then, you'll join me & our team of strategists for an empowering and interactive 90 minute virtual workshop where you'll receive:

  • Guidance to align you to your big vision
  • Reconnect with your passion
  • Uncover your next steps
  • Opportunities to meet other participants and share your vision
  • Takeaways to support your next steps

This is available virtually to leaders, heart-centered change makers, small businesses, and startups for just $11! Or upgrade and receive your Vision Kickstart Kit and a 1-1 coaching session for just $111


Now's the time to...

✖️ STOP wondering where your next sale or career step will come from

✖️ STOP doubting if you are taking the right steps for you

✖️ STOP playing small and holding back because you can't see the path to achieve your dreams

💫 START claiming your vision

💫 START owning your strategy with a clear action plan to back it up

Success on your terms!

Choose your Vision Plan:
Workshop Only
I'm in for the LIVE workshop (and /or replay)!
Upgrade to Vision Kickstart Kit!
Get a box of our favorite vision goodies (valued at $50+) And a private 1 hour 1-1 coaching session with Robin (valued at $347)

My name is Amber Swenor, soulful strategist for heart-centered leaders.

And I'm here to help rebel-spirited visionary leaders like YOU to step into your full potential and vision for your unique life.

Building a business with profits rooted in purpose IS possible. As a transformational life and business strategist, I guide entrepreneurs in uncovering their truth, and engaging that information to ignite a fully aligned, purpose-driven AND profitable brand.

I teach people how to own their authenticity, become more strategic, take aligned actions and make great money because of it!

I know this well from my own journey as a multi-entrepreneur, leading a brand strategy agency and as a transformational coach, front woman in a metal band, and my latest adventures in hemp-farming and developing a CBD product line.
This has all become possible and in flow for me, because I've learned to engage a consistent Strategic Planning Framework with my authentic vision as the root from which all the success flows... just as your brand success flows from you into your business! You give it the strategic vision and then you lead efforts to execute that learning how to outsource resources where it makes sense so that you can optimize into your zone of genius. It starts with getting clear in your vision and then reverse engineering a plan to achieve it: I help you do both :)

The problem: most people either feel fear or imposter syndrome about believing in their long-term vision (stay small) or they have a BIG vision but have no idea what steps to take or what order to take them in to get there.

They either get so overwhelmed with the BIG PICTURE that they have no idea what steps to take next to move forward, or they are too busy trying to keep up with what's right in front of them that they don't pause to picture the long-term big vision.

To move your business forward in a way that prioritizes flow and increased profits, it requires both: allowing yourself to believe your long term vision AND having a plan that systematically supports you in taking action steps to move toward that big vision.

Do you desire greater freedom? Greater flow? Greater wealth? Greater joy? Do you desire to head into 2022 with a clear strategic vision and action plan, so you can self-lead, and lead your team, aligning everyone toward a shared vision?

Because you answered YES to some of the questions above, I know something about you…

That you have the desire to do BIG THINGS but haven’t yet gotten the results you want yet…

You desire to stop trading time for dollars and to FINALLY step into the role as the strategic CEO leader of your company.

You know you have a lot more to offer the world, and you're ready to solidify your plan for growth.

You're ready to see what's possible by allowing yourself to click into your aligned vision, with an action plan to make it a reality... you're ready to claim what you desire and step into Soulful Strategic Planning for Solopreneurs, Small Businesses, and Startups!

Meet Your Workshop Hosts

  Amber Swenor  

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Amber Swenor is a Transformation Coach and Business Strategist who helps people to identify and transform the hidden commitments, stories, and limitations that keep you from living your most Unleashed life. She also works with leaders and companies in their brand growth journey through leadership coaching, business strategy consultation, and co-working. She's the founder of Soul Seed Strategy, a brand strategy, coaching, and marketing firm, and the founder of Soul Seed CBD. She's an international speaker helping audiences and companies worldwide to unlock their deeper potential through authenticity. Her book "Unleashed" is a Wall Street Journal and USA Today best-seller.

When she's not guiding others to unleash their rockstar within, you'll find her rocking on stage with her metal band, Morningstar.

  Robin Finney  

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Robin Finney is an Intuitive and Authenticity coach on the Soul Seed team who helps soul-based leaders get present to what they desire, from a place of deep grounded-ness and self compassion.

Her zone of genius is supporting others in their journey to trusting their deeper selves as they explore the unknown with curiosity, so they can show up as their most authentic selves in life and business.

Robin is also the creator of Soulo Experiences, providing coaching and consulting for those stepping into their own soul-travel journey. She’s a certified Sourced™ Retreat Leader and Transformational Coach, author, international model, speaker, and world traveler. Since 2018, Robin has traveled solo to 22 countries across 6 continents. She’s passionate about helping others to step into their soul journey and see where it leads.

Find out first-hand what our clients have to say:
The reality of today's business world is that your business evolves as you grow with it, and you need a plan that allows for that.
That's Why I Created
This Workshop For YOU.
You will be guided in developing a foundational plan for your business, learn skills for staying curious and agile, and learn how to iterate as your business grows. 